by Mefloquine Awareness | Nov 21, 2016
An interview with Sheila Pratt formerly a feature writer for the Edmonton Journal. The interview begins at 6:45 into the audio. Interview with Sheila Pratt on 630 CHED Edmonton...
by Mefloquine Awareness | Nov 20, 2016
Listen the full interview from November...
by Mefloquine Awareness | Nov 18, 2016
Canadian Military Veteran Aaron Bedard served as a sapper in Afghanistan. He’s now part of a class action lawsuit with the Equitas Society against the Federal Government. The action, in part, asks for the Federal government to fulfill a sacred obligation to care...
by Mefloquine Awareness | Nov 17, 2016
The majority of those in attendance during the Remembrance Day service held at the Meadow Lake Civic Centre Friday morning were surprised when one of the guests unexpectedly took to the stage. Saskatoon area resident Dave Bona, a former member of the now disbanded...
by Mefloquine Awareness | Nov 16, 2016
Veteran says antimalarial drug used by soldiers in early 1990s had side effects A veteran who was in Somalia and Rwanda in the 1990s says the government should take responsibility for the effects the antimalarial drug mefloquine may have had on soldiers. Dave Bona, a...